This is the blog of Sanquhar Books
An everyday tale of life in an unusual bookshop - a place where browsers are positively encouraged and pampered - a sanctuary - a source of all things positive - a place that passionately believes in the nurturing power of words ...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Book Ghosts

Andrew and I love rummaging through boxes of fousty old treasures. Holding an old book is like having a direct connection to the past. Some of the books in the shop are nearly 300 years old. I'll never stop being fascinated by old books - the smell of them, the way they feel, wondering who else has held them and what the original owner's life was like ...

Every now and then a book ghost will turn up. To me, a book ghost is something found inside the pages of a book - it might be a bookmark, postcard, photo, pressed flower or any odd thing. Thought it would be nice to share some of our book ghosts with you - these two are of granpa and laddie and aunt mary when she was 17 - so it says on the back of the photos

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